
paxton gate holiday party

paxton gate, valencia btw 19th & 20th, san francisco
Els and I hit the Paxton Gate holiday party over the weekend and had fun deciding exactly which terrifying taxidermy animal we (hypothetically) wanted in our apartment.  When we attended last year's party, there was a delicious assortment of cheeses to accompany the free booze complementary spirits, but this year's offering was even better: appetizers made by neighborhood newbie (well, relatively speaking) & purveyors of artisan pizzas, Flour and Water!  I really enjoyed their food the one time I was able to eat there (read: the one time my parents were in town and treating us to dinner), and these snacks appropriately fancy.  The finger sandwiches were comprised of smoked prosciutto, delicata squash & arugala on focaccia with pumpkin seeds and.... something else (I meant to snap a photo of the ingredients but got distracted by the free booze festive beverages).  I thought they were pretty delicious and ate maaaaaybe more than would be considered appropriate, but since Els only had one, let's just say I ate her share too.  And then a few more.  Also on hand, though not exactly sandwiches, were crustini with a ricotta dip and a mushroom spread.  But if you combine the two onto one crustini it's like an open face sandwich, right?  I liked this maybe even more than the sandwiches.  And, although DEFINITELY not a sandwich, the squash soup was CRAZY good and creamy and claimed to be vegetarian although I thought their must have been chicken stock or something in there.  Maybe just loads of butter and cream.  But well done all around to Flour and Water and big thanks to Paxton Gate for hosting their annual holiday party with delicious snacks and free booze classy refreshments!


  1. Life healing - Nourish mind body soul
    Loving myself heals my life, i nourish my mind body and soul as I recognize more and more what a unique, loving, beautiful and wonderful person I am.

  2. fascinating! I like to nourish my mind body and soul with sandwiches however
